
Imaging Workbench 9

Imaging Workbench 9 is a program that acquires and analyzes images that change over time. It is most often used for low light level fluorescence applications in biology.

During acquisition, Imaging Workbench controls wavelength switching devices and cameras to acquire precisely timed series of images and save them to disk.

During on-line and off-line analysis, Imaging Workbench calculates average ratio, ion concentration or intensity over outlined regions. The data are exported to spreadsheet program-readable files.

Imaging Workbench performs with great stability and tight timing. It is compatible with Windows 10. Armed with multiple-window display, fast acquisition and wavelength control, Imaging Workbench 9 is ideal for measuring the dynamic process of ion concentration changes inside cells. In addition, Imaging Workbench 6 runs concurrently with Axon Instruments' Clampex 8 to 10, performing simultaneous acquisition of electrophysiology data. Cooperative electrophysiology-imaging data review can be performed during analysis.